The next International Workshop on the Sharing Economy will take place in Utrecht, Netherlands on June 28-29 2019. You can subscribe to the newsletter, to receive further information on the workshop. | ||
i-shareRethinking the Sharing Economy: The Nature and Organization of Sharing in the 2015 Refugee CrisisA study published by Martin Kornberger, Stephan Leixnering, Renate Meyer, and Markus Höllerer in the Academy of Management Discoveries. | ||
In this article, Georg Reischauer and Johanna Mair discuss how platform organizations in the sharing economy relate to so called hybrid communities they host and discuss which of the strategic responses suggested by literature to minimize the dependence of a platform organization on its hybrid community still apply. | ||
We are glad to announce that Cambridge Scholars Publishing will publish the best conference papers in the volume 'Perspectives on the Sharing Economy'. This volume will bring together short papers that all focus on the sharing economy phenomenon, yet examine the subject from different disciplinary angles, thus providing a coherent and comprehensive overview of research on the sharing economy. Short paper contributions will be selected in a competitive process from all papers invited for presentation at the 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy on June 28/29 in Mannheim (Germany). Authors will be informed by the end of June and will have to prepare a short paper of 2000 words until the end of July. | ||
We invite project and paper contributions that are grounded in different disciplines and theoretical perspectives. Contributions can be conceptual, methodological or empirical. Please submit an abstract till March 31, 2018. | ||
From which perspectives do researchers study the sharing economy? How can the sharing economy contribute to social sustainability in Germany? Can sharing business models be applied in the energy sector? How do communities manage themselves? Which factors influence sustainable entrepreneurial actions in the sharing economy? Around 30 researchers from different academic backgrounds came together for the i-share research workshop at the University of Mannheim on November 8th 2017 to discuss these questions. | ||
i-shareSymposium on the Sharing Economy at the University of Sussex in Brighton on December 15th 2017Symposium on Continuities, Disruptions and Management in the Sharing Economy: To advance the understanding of the sharing economy, with particular attention to its relation to the classic in management and organizational scholarship; and to explore methods suitable to grasp the sharing Economy as an object of inquiry. | ||
Philipp C. Mosmann and Peter Karl Becker show based on the example of urban community gardens, what they contribute to value creation and to what extent these modern forms continue and discontinue the historical development of garden land usage. | ||