Impact of the Sharing Economy in Germany

The aim of the research project i-share is to capture the economic, ecologic and social impact of the sharing economy in Germany.


A unique learning opportunity for those who combine institutional theory and research on the sharing economy! Join us for a one-week intense PhD workshop on institutional analysis in Mannheim (August 26-30, 2019). In public morning lectures international faculty (Stanford, Northwestern University, Boston University, EM-LYON, WU Vienna, University of Jena, University of Mannheim) will present and discuss research within the field of institutional theory.
The next International Workshop on the Sharing Economy will take place in Utrecht, Netherlands on June 28-29 2019. You can subscribe to the newsletter, to receive further information on the workshop.
A study published by Martin Kornberger, Stephan Leixnering, Renate Meyer, and Markus Höllerer in the Academy of Management Discoveries.
In this article, Georg Reischauer and Johanna Mair discuss how platform organizations in the sharing economy relate to so called hybrid communities they host and discuss which of the strategic responses suggested by literature to minimize the dependence of a platform organization on its hybrid community still apply.
We are glad to announce that Cambridge Scholars Publishing will publish the best conference papers in the volume 'Perspectives on the Sharing Economy'. This volume will bring together short papers that all focus on the sharing economy phenomenon, yet examine the subject from different disciplinary angles, thus providing a coherent and comprehensive overview of research on the sharing economy. Short paper contributions will be selected in a competitive process from all papers invited for presentation at the 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy on June 28/29 in Mannheim (Germany). Authors will be informed by the end of June and will have to prepare a short paper of 2000 words until the end of July.


REMINDER: Apply until April 25, 2019 for the 17th SCANCOR Phd Workshop on Institutional Analysis
Rethinking the Sharing Economy: The Nature and Organization of Sharing in the 2015 Refugee Crisis
SAVE THE DATE: 6th IWSE in Utrecht, Netherlands, June 28-29 2019
Prof. Dr. Achim Oberg
Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk
5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy - Best Paper Proceedings 'Perspectives on the Sharing Ecomomy'
Article “Platform Organizing in the New Digital Economy”
Prof. Dr. Achim Oberg
Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk