Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel (TU Chemnitz): Survival and Death of Sharing Economy-Online Platforms

Welche organisationalen Merkmale erklären das Überleben von Sharing Organisationen? Anja Herrmann-Frankhänel von der Technischen Universität Chemnitz stellt in ihrem Vortrag Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie unter 280 Sharing Plattformen vor.

Sharing Economy (SE) is said to be a pool of technology-enabled new business ideas, which are based on the concepts of online platforms (OP), person to person markets (P2P), access over ownership (AOO), decentralized organizations (DO) and underutilized assets (UA). In this research paper, we study about 280 international OPs from 23 different countries and in 16 sectors in order to investigate the survival of OPs, labeled as SE, over time. To do so, the data set on SE-OPs is analyzed using a logit model to identify significant features of survival. Our results show that SE-OP in a minority represent the outlined concepts (P2P, AOO, DO, OP), nor do these concepts ensure survival. Moreover, OPs that are business as usual, such as a B2C-concept based on ownership, are more successful in survival. Summed up, OP-technology could scale new business ideas based on P2P, AOO, DO and OP, theoretically. Empirically however, OP seem to be more of a useful tool for B2C-business that can be labeled as SE but are neither new nor based on the concepts of SE but use OP as business model modification.

About the presenter: 

Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel is a research associate at the chair Innovation Research and Technology Management at Chemnitz University of Technology. Anja holds a Master’s Degree in Management and Organization Studies. Her main research interest is the international Sharing Economy. From this starting point she investigates in related innovation, business models, and international differences and challenges as well as social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and solidarity in economy. She lectures at Master’s Level in e.g. consulting and innovation research. She was a lecturer for management, scientific writing and methods, and project management at Bachelor’s level. (

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